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AIN Online: Nov 2018

EAP: ADS-B, AD Could Lead To Mass Bizjet Retirements

The combination of the ADS-B upgrade and an airworthiness directive (AD) affecting certain Honeywell TFE731 engines is threatening to force the retirement of a large number of older Dassault Falcon, Hawker, and Cessna Citation jets that are not currently enrolled in hourly engine programs, warned Dallas-based hourly maintenance specialist Engine Assurance Program (EAP). When the ADS-B mandate and AD 2012-17-05 take effect in 2020, “business aviation could witness the largest mass retirement of older aircraft in its history,” EAP said.


The AD calls for replacement of the LPT1 rotor assembly on certain TFE731- 4- and -5-powered aircraft. “For [these] aircraft, ADS-B Out and the AD will be the one-two punch likely to remove at least 20 percent of older, less expensive airframes from service,” said the company. EAP estimates a value of around $800,000 for many of the affected models, yet an expected $90,000 cost of compliance for ADS-B coupled with an AD cost of $325,000 per engine.

“With the cost of compliance nearly equivalent to, or in some cases more than, the value of the aircraft, updates can very quickly become beyond economical repair,” EAP said, estimating that roughly 1,400 engines still have not complied. However, EAP said engine programs could prevent removal from service by preserving the equity in the engines and ensuring the availability of funds to pay for the AD compliance.



About EAP

The Engine Assurance Program (EAP) was formed to provide an affordable hourly engine maintenance program option for operators of TFE731-2, TFE731-3, TFE731-5, JT15D-4 and JT15D-5 -powered aircraft. The Honeywell TFE731 and Pratt and Whitney JT15D power more than 3,000 business jets. Using EAP’s oversight, the engines can be operated more economically. EAP is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.


For more information, contact Sean Lynch by email or call +1.214.350.0877.



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