Press Releases
Engine Assurance Program (EAP) sees enrollment growth of 40 percent; adds new product lines
Dallas, Texas / October 7, 2020 – Responding to customer demand, EAP has added the Rolls-Royce AE3007C/C1 and AE3007A1E to its portfolio. The engines power the Citation X and Embraer Legacy 600 respectively. The company also has expanded its TFE731 capabilities by adding the -20 (Lear 40/XR, Lear 45/XR), -40 (Astra SPX, Falcon 50EX, Gulfstream 100, Gulfstream 150) and -60 (Falcon 900EX/LX) variants.
EAP, the high-quality alternative for hourly engine coverage, is celebrating both business growth and the expansion of its capabilities. Since March of this year, EAP has seen new enrollments grow by 40 percent. Of that 40 percent, 30 percent are first-time aircraft owners.
“People who have never owned an aircraft before are going straight into a Falcon 900B, which is unprecedented. COVID has impacted their decisions to buy aircraft because they want to avoid commercial flights for themselves or their employees. They see the benefit of engine maintenance plans to protect and maintain the value of the asset, and they are enrolling with us,” said Sean Lynch, EAP program coordinator.
EAP’s hourly engine maintenance program provides operators of older aircraft with dispatch reliability, increased residual value, enhanced customer service and meaningful cost savings, while using the same high-quality engine MRO shops and technicians as the other programs. EAP covers scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, LRUs, R&Rs, shipping, rentals, trend monitoring, catastrophic coverage and more.
“We’re delighted to have more clients and more engine models to focus on,” added Lynch. “But in a recent survey, our clients told us our personalized customer service was what they liked best about EAP. We like that best of all.”
EAP demonstrated its loyalty to its clients when, in response to the COVID-19 crisis, EAP chose to waive its 75-hour yearly minimum for 2020 if operators fly 150 hours by the end of 2021. If operators can’t reach 75 hours of flight time this year, they can roll the deficit into 2021 without penalty as long as they reach 150 hours of total flight time over the 2020 and 2021 calendar years.
“Our hearts go out to anyone who has been impacted by the virus, either directly or indirectly. Business is in flux, and we want to do our part to help things return to normal,” said Lynch.
About EAP
The Engine Assurance Program (EAP) is the high-quality alternative to traditional hourly engine maintenance programs. It provides an affordable option delivered with expert customer service for operators of TFE731-2, TFE731-3, TFE731-4, TFE731-5, TFE731-20, TFE731-40, TFE731-60, PW305 A/B, TAY 611-8, CF34-3A/-3A1, AE3007C/C1, AE3007A1E, JT15D-4, JT15D-5-powered aircraft and their APUs. These engines power the following aircraft: Astra 1125/SP; Beechjet 400; Challenger 601 1A/3A; Citation II/SII, III, V, VI, VII, X; Falcon 10, 20-5, 50, 50-4, 50EX, 900B/C, 900EX/LX; Gulfstream G100, G150, GIV/SP; Hawker 700, 800A/XP, 850XP, 1000; Lear 31, 35, 40/XR, 45/XR, 55, 60/XR; and Legacy 600. Using EAP’s oversight, the engines can be operated more economically. EAP is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.
For more information, contact Sean Lynch by email or call +1.214.350.0877.